Here's a couple of pieces I can show from the last project I was on - Space Siege. The ship is called the I.S.C.S. Armstrong and as you can tell from the scale of the Eiffel tower, it's huge! This is a ship designed to be a deep space colonization ship. I had in mind that a person could be born and die on this ship without ever stepping foot on a planet surface. The atrium centered at the 'eye' of the ship could hold the Eiffel Tower inside it. I have some concepts rendered of those too that I will post later when I'm allowed.

Inside the ship is a canyon that bisects the entire length and height to allow transport and maintenance access throughout.

I will post more soon.
Brilliant, brilliant work!
Wow! Thanks dan! That's high praise coming from you:) I feel all honored and shit! Thanks Dan:)
This is fenomenal!!.. it is like a mix between industrial and graphic design!!.. wonderful!!..
This is awesome. I wish you would post these environments on the illustration mafia as well!
These pieces are absoluetely amazing, Ray! You know... I somehow knew that you had a persaonal BlogSpot, but for some reason never stumbled upon it until the other day. Boy, I have been missing out! I need to start one of my own... maybe. :)
Interestiing thoughts
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